
World Quiz1

1. How many people live in the world today? __________

2. What percent of people in the world live on less than $ 10 a day? __________

3. How many children die each day due to poverty? __________

4. How many people die of AIDS each year? __________

5. How many children live in poverty and what percentage of all the children does this represent? __________ & ______

6. 20% of the world's richest people consume what percentage of the world's consumables? __________

7. How many people live without electricity? __________

8. How many people can neither read nor write? __________

9. How many people lack adequate access to clean water? __________

10. How many people lack basic sanitation? __________

11. 12% of the world's population uses what percent of the world's water? __________

12. In 1998 how much money was spent on pet food in the USA and Europe? __________

13. In 1998 how much money was spent on alcohol in Europe? __________

14. In 1998 how much money was spent on military spending in the world? __________

15. How much money would it take to so that everyone in the world had the following: basic education, clean water access, basic sanitation, basic health care and adequate nutrition? __________

What is the status of our world? Where do we begin so we can impact our world for good and for God?

Answers below:




Answers: 1) 6 Billion, 2) 80%, 3) 30,000, 4) 3 Million, 5) 1 Billion or 50%, 6) 76.6%, 7) 1.6 Billion, 8) 1 Billion, 9) 1.1 Billion, 10) 2.6 Billion, 11) 85%, 12) 17 Billion, 13) 105 Billion, 14) 780 Billion, 15) 28 Billion.
