
Scripture Memory
Why Memorize Scripture

1) It helps us to know God. (Psl 63:1-8)

  • A method God can use to reveal Himself to us.
  • Gives us assurance of God's character.

2) Gives us direction in knowing God's will. (Jer 29:11)

  • Promises for guidance.
  • Promises for faith.

3) Builds character. (1 Pet 2:2)

  • Stabilizes our emotions. (Phil 4:6-7)
  • Motivates us. (Eccl 9:10)

4) Keeps us on track. (2 Tim 3:16-17)

  • Transforms our minds. (Rom 12:2)
  • It is a weapon for use in spiritual warfare. (Eph 6:17)

5) A tool for ministry. (Isa 55:10-11)

  • Allows you to speak with authority. (Heb 4:12)
  • Resources for the Holy Spirit to use. (Matt 10:19-20)

6) Success in life. (Josh 1:8)

  • True sucess.

How To Do It

1) Develop a system.
2) Memorize a verse until you have it down perfectly.
3) Review it frequently.
4) Set a goal.
5) Get a partner or group to be accountable to and check each other.
6) Memorize verses that are helpful and meaningful.
7) Review the reference before and after the verse.
8) Use dead time to work on your scripture memory.
9) Write down the verses you have memorized in case you lose your verse pack.

One Method

1) Memorize one verse a week and review forty each day.
2) Write out the verse on the back of the card upside down.
3) After memorizing a verse put it behind the new review pile and review it every day until it circulates out into the back review pocket.
4) After 20 verses are accumulated in the pocket behind the window move them over to the back review pocket.
5) When 20 verses have accumulated in the back review pocket start a new back review set in a storage box.
6) Periodically rotate your old review through your verse pack.


Meditation should be the goal of all scripture memory.
Pondering God's truth and letting it transform your thinking and acting. (Psl 1:2-3)
Reflecting on who God is. (Psl 77:1-12)


S in to confess
P romise to claim
A ttitude to change
C ommand to obey
E xample to follow

P rayer to pray
E rror to avoid
T hanks to give
S omething to praise God for
